
Target Face Various Size Tarpaulin Type for Outdoors Archery


Various Type of Archery Target Shooting Tarpaulin Material for Outdoors

Various Type of Archery Target Shooting – Target Face JVD FITA Format

1. Target Face 50cm 6 Rings

2. Target Face 60cm 10 Rings

3. Target Face 80cm 10 Rings

5. Target Face 122cm 10 Rings Turkish Techniques

6. Puta Target Face Traditional Archery 100cm

Material Type : Tarpaulin 0.30 thickness

Good for outdoors

******** PUTA Target Description ********

Puta Target Face Traditional Archery 100 x 100cm

1. Height of Puta is 100 cm for the stable and moving ones

2. Material Tarpaulin 0.30

3. The ground clearance for Puta is 50 cm.

4. Should the occasion arise more than one archer can shoot at the same target. In this case the distance between the archers should be 80 cm. The number of the archers cannot be more than four.

5. Through the runs, the male and female archers aged fifteen and more compete together but their performances are scored differently. The archers who are under fifteen compete together and their performances are scored differently.

Source : turkisharchery dot com

#putatarget #arrouha #turkisharchery #memanah #targetface #traditionalarchery

Weight 0.3 kg

122cm, 80cm, 60cm, 50cm, PUTA 100cm

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